Stéphane's Hot Links Page
► Join the email list - This is by far the best way to ensure that we stay connected and that you will receive the monthly newsletter and the information about yoga related events and the resources (video classes, tutorials) that I offer from time to time to subscribers.
► Live-stream Yoga Classes - Here, find the schedule for the 6 weekly classes that I am streaming from the park (should weather permits). Booking ranges from £9 down to less than £6 for a class (depending of the package/membership that you choose).
► Relaxation & Meditation - Free guided relaxation to find comfort, empowerment and relaxation.

► Important information concerning your data:
When booking the payment process requires that you provide your contact details.
I will use the details provided through the booking to any other purpose.
If you wish to allow me to have your details in order to inform you of future events (yoga related), please, take a minute or two to fill in the form on this page:
This will ensure that you and me have chosen to stay in contact and that I am in line with the new data regulations.
Thank you for your understanding.