Category: Personal-Development/Mindset

Perspectives on our journey of growing

Grace and Resilience

When bouncing back – and striving – from (apparent) misfortune is been made possible by auspicious forces that seemed unlikely to even exist – something often named “Divine” by the faithful one. (Faith here refers to the inclination to believe in and surrender to the existence of something instrumental in the unfolding of our life Read More …

Emotions, Yoga and Life Coaching

Ignoring emotions, acting solely upon them, and finding a middle way represent three distinct approaches to handling our emotional landscape. Each approach yields different outcomes, impacting our overall well-being and the quality of our relationships.Ignoring emotions can lead to a sense of emotional detachment and repression. By dismissing or suppressing our feelings, we may create Read More …

Object of Devotion and Personal Growth

Japanese Buddhsim has a word for “object of devotion”, it is “Honzon”.What is your honzon? We all have one and there is nothing wrong with loving a football club, material possessions or a romantic partner. However, an object of devotion is ultimately what we identify with at the most intimate level. Is it fixed and Read More …

Reframing Anxiety into Excitement

Anxiety, a common emotion experienced by many, is often viewed in a negative light. However, recent studies in neuroscience suggest that reframing anxiety into excitement can lead to a more positive mental state. This shift in perspective not only alters our emotional experience but also has tangible effects on the brain.Understanding Anxiety:Anxiety is a natural Read More …