Category: Wellbeing/Healing

Improvement of physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Note that healing here does not mean “curing” diseases. It means restoring, allowing and nurturing balance on all plans of energetic activity within us…

Unlocking the Secrets of Forgiveness

## Introduction to forgivenessUnlocking the Secrets of ForgivenessForgiveness is a powerful and transformative act that holds the key to our mental and emotional well-being. It is a process of letting go of the anger, resentment, and grudges we hold onto, allowing us to find peace and freedom within ourselves. Let’s have a look at the Read More …

Knowledge vs Information

Exploring External Knowledge vs. Inner WisdomIn our information-driven age, the quest for knowledge often leads us to external sources. Whether it’s consulting books, browsing the internet, or seeking advice from others, the external world offers a vast reservoir of information. But how does this external knowledge compare to the insights we might find within ourselves?The Read More …


Testosterone, often hailed as the key to vitality, plays a crucial role in men’s health. Scientific studies consistently highlight its numerous benefits, from improved muscle mass to enhanced mood and cognitive function. However, a concerning trend reveals a decline in testosterone levels in the male population, particularly in the Western world. In this article, we’ll Read More …

Grace and Resilience

When bouncing back – and striving – from (apparent) misfortune is been made possible by auspicious forces that seemed unlikely to even exist – something often named “Divine” by the faithful one. (Faith here refers to the inclination to believe in and surrender to the existence of something instrumental in the unfolding of our life Read More …

Emotions, Yoga and Life Coaching

Ignoring emotions, acting solely upon them, and finding a middle way represent three distinct approaches to handling our emotional landscape. Each approach yields different outcomes, impacting our overall well-being and the quality of our relationships.Ignoring emotions can lead to a sense of emotional detachment and repression. By dismissing or suppressing our feelings, we may create Read More …

Object of Devotion and Personal Growth

Japanese Buddhsim has a word for “object of devotion”, it is “Honzon”.What is your honzon? We all have one and there is nothing wrong with loving a football club, material possessions or a romantic partner. However, an object of devotion is ultimately what we identify with at the most intimate level. Is it fixed and Read More …

Holistic Practices in the Post-Covid Era…

In the current zeitgeist, where autonomy of thought faces challenges from political influences and public opinion, there’s an urgent need to integrate holistic practices that promote wellbeing and mental health. These practices serve as essential tools in empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of the post-COVID era while fostering grounding and awareness amidst external pressures.Holistic Read More …

Mobile Phone in The Yoga Space

Maintaining a serene and focused environment is crucial for a fulfilling yoga practice. One of the key elements contributing to this tranquility is the intentional exclusion of mobile phones from the yoga space. Here’s why: Yoga is a practice that encourages mindfulness and presence. Bringing a mobile phone into the yoga space introduces a potential Read More …

Alternate Nostril Breathing – Health benefits

The yogic alternate nostril breathing, also known as Nadi Shodhana or Anulom Vilom, is a technique in yoga and pranayama that offers several potential health benefits:Stress Reduction: It can help reduce stress and anxiety by balancing the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.Improved Lung Function: Practicing this technique can enhance lung capacity and Read More …